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ba al arwad

Entra na sua conta para ver suas compras, favoritos etc. Ir para conteúdo principal Mercado Livre Brasil - Onde comprar e vender de Tudo. Arados - Statere databile al periodo 370-346 a.C. - Diritto: testa laureata di Ba'al-Arwad verso destra - Rovescio: galea da guerra in navigazione verso destra - gr. 400-384 a.C. A/ Cabeza laureada de Ba´al-arwad a derecha. Cuando el imperio persa conquistó y sucedió al babilonio, los soberanos aqueménidas no sólo mantuvieron esta actitud, sino que además potenciaron las ciudades fenicias. £219.32. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for LANZ SICILY SYRACUSE TETRADRACHM MEDAL CAST FORGERY ^HL601 at the best online prices at eBay! 21, 3), 6 and 7. A.G. Elayi, Développement d'un système expert SYSEG pour la spectrométrie gamma. 99,5% Positive Bewertungen. Details zu LANZ PHOENICIA ARADOS STATER BA´AL ARWAD GALLEY SILVER ^RO3979. Nach der Aufgabe von Château Pèlerin 1291 war Aruad deren letzte Bastion im Nahen Osten. Good Very Fine. Imagen no disponible. Thank you very much. 88. An Introductory Note from the General Editor, with Recourse to Plato and Eukleidas GREEK NUMISMATICS Numismatic evidence (or not) for the aphippodroma horse race at Larisa – Rosanagh Mack A Bacchid at Apollonia: a late survival of an ancient family – David Macdonald An unusual depiction of Ba‘al Arwad and a hippocampus on coins of Arados during the Persian … 3) King of Arwad died, and his three sons went to Nineveh with tdmartu-giits. De este modo, la ciudad de Sidón no solo volvió a tener dinastía propia, sumándose a las de Tiro, Biblos y Arwad, sino que se convirtió en la capital de Fenicia y sede privilegiada del representante imperial persa. As a Viennese coin dealer, I guarantee the authenticity of my coins. A.G. Elayi…, « Ba al Arwad », dans V e Congrès d’études phéniciennes et puniques I, Palerme 2005, pp. a-na da-a-ki ḫa-ba-a-te ù e-kem KUR. Angaben zum Verkäufer. como el del príncipe de Arwad, Ba'alhanfnu; y, con sus componentes invertidos, como Aníbal (púnico Jnb'I), el … 89. 2) Arwad, Tabal, and Cilicia affairs ; mandattu-tribute of great horses imposed on Tabal: 1,70-77. AR 1/3 Stater, Tetrobol, 13 mm, 3.06 gm. Shop besuchen. Ae18. Información de la imagen. Lanz Phoenicia Arados Stater Deity Galley Rowers Waves Silver … 90. 87. Ba´al Arwad with full eye right. Azi-Ba'al, Sohn des Ikkilû; Truppen aus Arwad beteiligten sich unter Alexander an der Belagerung von Tyros und nahmen schließlich den Südhafen ein. Phoenicia, ARADOS (~380-350 BCE) 1/3 Shekel/AR Tetrobol, 3.42 g, 14 mm Mint: Arados Obverse: head of the Ba'al Arwad facing right Reverse: galley Very fine/VF Ref: Traité II 841; Betlyon 11. The condition of the six large Greek coins shown above – five being silver, one being billon – is not high, but neither was their price. Coastal cities such as Byblos, Arwad, and Ullasa were targeted for their crucial geographic and commercial links with the interior (via the Nahr al-Kabir and the Orontes rivers). The peoples of Phoenicia, were descended from the Canaanites who inhabited the region of the Levant, later occupying the coastal areas of modern day Lebanon. 1) Second campaign against Ba'al of Tyre: I, 56-69. 3,50 EUR. Angemeldet als gewerblicher Verkäufer. Azi-Ba'al, Sohn des Ikkilû; Am Ende der Perserherrschaft, in der die Schiffe Arwads zur Flotte des Autophradates gehörten, unterstellte sich Straton, der Sohn des Königs von Arwad Gerostratos, dem siegreichen Alexander dem Großen. It retains its original, dark patina and depicts the head of the god Rev: Galley with oarsmen sailing right with two letters above & waves below. envío: + 18,00 EUR envío 4 pujas . Marre des millions d'étudiants en étude de genre en Basse Mésopotamie sous Ish Ba'al Arwad de la XVIII dynastie, en littérature celtique non binaire de l'époque pré Victorienne, P&P: + £6.34 P&P 32 bids. Kreuzfahrerzeit. £117.82. envío: + 18,00 EUR envío 16 pujas . When the garrison on the tiny Isle of Ruad fell, it marked the loss of the last Crusader outpost on the coast of the Levant.In 1291, the Crusaders had lost their main power base at the coastal city of Acre, and the Muslim Mamluks had been systematically destroying … An unusual depiction of Ba‘al Arwad and a hippocampus on coins of Arados during the Persian Period – Martin Rowe The Macedonian Mint at Susa (319/8-312/1 BC) – Lloyd W. H. Taylor The Susa wreath group Alexanders: The first step in the transformation of an anchor seal to a dynastic emblem – Lloyd W. H. Taylor Rev: Galley right; below, hippocamp right.Betlyon 6; Rouvier 38; HGC 10, 39. R/ Galera sobre olas ... 50 | Grecia Antigua. Azi-Ba'al, Sohn des Ikkilû; Am Ende der Perserherrschaft, in der die Schiffe Arwads zur Flotte des Autophradates gehörten, unterstellte sich Straton, der Sohn des Königs von Arwad Gerostratos, dem siegreichen Alexander dem Großen. Diesen Verkäufer speichern. Type(s) de contenu et mode(s) de consultation : Objet : sans médiation Titre(s) : [Monnaie : Bronze, Arados (Arwad), Phénicie] Droit : .Tête géminées à droite de Ba'al Arwad / Zeus, coiffé d'une couronne de laurier, et d'Astarté, coiffée d'un voile. 40 ha), 2.5 km off the coast of northern Phoeni- include EA 101 among the Rib-Adda texts (Moran 2003: da near the mouth of the river Nahr al-Kabir (Badre 1997: 227 n. 1). LANZ PHOENICIA ARADOS STATER BA´AL ARWAD GALLEY SILVER ^RO3976. LANZ PHOENICIA ARADOS STATER BA´AL ARWAD GALLEY SILVER ^RO3978. The Fall of Ruad in 1302 was one of the culminating events of the Crusades in the Eastern Mediterranean. ŠÁR. Assurbanipal picked the sucessor, while the other two remained at the capital: II, 1-9. KI il-lik-am-ma. 10,44 - Non comune, q.BB (B.M.C. Les auteurs présentent et commentent un nouveau trésor d’époque perse provenant du Liban Nord, qui comprend 83 monnaies en argent, dont 78 sont des sicles et des divisionnaires de la cité phénicienne d’Arwad (Syrie) ; il comprend aussi 2 doubles sicles de Sidon et 3 tétradrachmes (ou pseudo-tétradrachmes) athéniens. 129-133. Ba'al j»n»n, 'Baal [el señor] extiende gracia [es benigno, piadoso]'). R/ Galera sobre olas ... PHOENICIA, Arados. All coins will be shipped including receipt! BC 101 to distinguish the two issues.15 Then he minted coins in years 4, 5 (PI. £114.19. LANZ PHOENICIA ARADOS STATER BA´AL ARWAD GALLEY SILVER ^RO3979. DIONYSOS Philippos Philadelphos AR-Tetradrachme Antiochia Zeus #NR 0151. numismatiklanz . i 63 63: ú-šá-an-na-a ia-a-ti UGU ep-še-e-ti an-na-a-ti. 1/12 Shekel. 16 Given the large numbers of his coins which survive, it is unlikely, though it cannot be excluded, The cities provided Egypt with access to Mesopotamian trade as well as abundant stocks of the region's native cedar wood, of which there was no equivalent in the Egyptian homeland. Free shipping for many products! Betlyon 8; Rouvier 41; SNG Copenhagen 6-7. Phoenicia, ARADOS (~380-350 BCE) 1/3 Shekel/AR Tetrobol, 3.42 g, 14 mm Mint: Arados Obverse: head of the Ba'al Arwad facing right Reverse: galley Very fine/VF Ref: Traité II 841; Betlyon 11. All coins will be shipped including receipt! GERASHTART, KING OF THE PHOENICIAN CITY OF ARWAD IN THE 4TH CENT. Phoenicia, Arados AR Obol. A.G. Elayi, Résultats d'expertises utilisant SYSEG (système expert pour la spectrométrie gamma). Very Rare. Together they fight Shalmaneser III of Assyria at the Battle of Qarqar which consists of the largest known number of combatants in a single battle to date, and is the first historical mention of the Arabs from the southern deserts. Z.) … Phönizien - ARADOS (~410-400 v. Der Templerorden baute Aruad während der Kreuzzüge zu einer Inselfestung aus. i 61 61: URU šá AD DÙ-u-a ik-šu-du a-na mi-ṣir KUR AN. KI ú-ter-ru. Bem-vindo. Arwad was thought to be the first ever republic. i 62 62: al-la-ku ḫa-an-ṭu qé-reb NINA. Popular . Azi-Ba'al, Sohn des Ikkilû; Am Ende der Perserherrschaft, in der die Schiffe Arwads zur Flotte des Autophradates gehörten, unterstellte sich Straton, der Sohn des Königs von Arwad Gerostratos, dem siegreichen Alexander dem Großen. … Les mêmes auteurs reprennent ce dossier en 2005 : un sceau de stéatite verte d’époque perse figurant le même dieu que les monnaies est accompagné d’une légende difficilement lisible, mais qui pourrait être « Ba‘al Arwad » ; plusieurs anthroponymes arwadites, notamment royaux, comportent l’élément Ba‘al. LANZ PHRYGIA APAMEIA ZEUS ARTEMIS GREEK BRONZE 8,50g §IBO959. Arados Av: DIONYSOS Philippos Philadelphos AR-Tetradrachme Antiochia Zeus #NR 0181. Stern of galley (and Ba'al Arwad… (possibly earlier) 10.55 grams Obv: Bearded head of Ba'al Arwad right. Matinu-ba'al is a member of an alliance of states which also includes Ammon, Byblos, Damas, Edom, Egypt, Hamath, Kedar, and Samaria. Obv: Ba’al-Arwad right, holding dolphin in each hand. i 60 60: EDIN-uš-šú-un e-ru-um-ma ú-šib qé-reb URU. A little history leading up to and beyond the minting of my coin. Azi-Ba'al, Sohn des Ikkilû; Am Ende der Perserherrschaft, in der die Schiffe Arwads zur Flotte des Autophradates gehörten, unterstellte sich Straton, der Sohn des Königs von Arwad Gerostratos, dem siegreichen Alexander dem Großen. Revers : .Proue de navire à gauche ; à la proue, Athéna Promachos à gauche ; dans le champ inférieur CH q (caractère phénicien) . P&P: + £16.31 P&P 39 bids . I've now made some adjustments to my coin label: PHOENICIA, Arados AR Stater 380-352 B.C. Circa 400-380 BC. Half-length bust of marine deity (Ba'al Arwad) facing, head to right, holding fish in both hands; star to upper left / Prow of galley to right, dolphin to right below; all in pelleted square border within incuse square. Phönizien, ARADOS (~380-350 BCE) 1/3 Shekel/AR Tetrobol, 3,42 g, 14 mm Mzst: Arados Av: Kopf des Ba'al Arwad n. r. Rv: Galeere s.sch./VF Ref: Traité II 841; Betlyon 11. mu-ṣur il-li-ka. Andere Artikel ansehen. PHYRGIA, Apameia. However, tak- Arwad (present-day Ruwad) was a city located on a small ing into account palaeography and philology, we may island (ea. XXVI/9/58) Base asta: € 150 | Aggiudicato a : € 425 As a Viennese coin dealer, I guarantee the authenticity of my coins. Als Wiener Münzhändler garantiere ich für die Echtheit meiner Münzen. A/ Cabeza laureada de Ba´al-arwad a derecha. 107,00 EUR. me-em-pi. See what Arwad Arwad (arwadarwad5) has discovered on Pinterest, the world's biggest collection of ideas. Grade: VF or VF+ with nice strike on a chunky archaic planchet. 0.73g, 8mm, 4h. AR Diobol, 1,51 g, 10 mm Mzst. Nombre que aparece en antiguas inscripciones de sellos; en registros cun. Abre la galería de imágenes.

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