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why is it important to follow rules in school

Also, the violators of these rules are often handled by the penalties which the lawsof the land for the violations. Don't Eat or Drink in the Laboratory. Players are expected to follow rules governed by their team such as behavior, attending practices, camps and drills and wearing the correct uniform. If a teacher has a rule about taking care of supplies but students don't follow it, they may break something and there won't be enough supplies to go around for the other students. Teenagers—with their budding hormones and complex social lives—can be easily distracted, and though many are mature and highly capable, they can still benefit from structure and rules. For this reason, it is important to communicate why you have established certain rules and how those rules will help create an effective, well-run classroom. Since the children from the above example learn not to scream and yell at each other do they in turn get along better with each other and not fight with each other. Reasons for Obeying Rules at School 1 Personal Safety. Trust And Accountability Not only does following the rules ensure everyone stays safe, but doing so also makes it easier for everyone in the classroom to learn without difficulty. Cities and states have laws everyone must abide by, such as following the speed limit, to keep everyone safe. Favourite answer. 4 Answers. From “World News Tonight” to “The View,” Here’s How to Contact Your Favorite ABC TV Shows. address responsibilities like being on time, being prepared, being courteous to staff and other students, being respectful of property, doing your best and following any other rules that the school sets forth. Rules are an important aspect of every classroom, especially when you're working with high school students. But if we demand this of children, we also have to expect that adults continue to follow the rules as much as possible; otherwise we have anarchy. When a teen gets a job, their boss will have rules in place for preferred ways to conduct business. If students break these rules, they could end up getting hurt. When we follow rules, we are making good choices about our academic success and our lives. when a child enters first time in a school. They provide a sense of order. Save your snacking for the office, not the lab. These are not rules as much as they are privileges. Middle school and high school students have come to expect certain rules; therefore, I will not make them with students but present them as finished. Learning to follow school rules early on helps kids understand why rules are important well into adulthood. School rules, helps maintain discipline by ensuring that the students are aware of how to behave and the consequences of misbehaving. Here at SCM, we talk a lot about the importance of creating a classroom students look forward to. It also helps the student get used to adhering to policies and procedures that they will face as an employee once they reach adulthood. In these alternative class settings, procedures will likely be more limited, due to shortened class times (typically 1-2 hours a day). Why Should We Follow The Rules? Why do we have rules? Useful times to review the rules include: A couple months into the school year (after routines are well established and students are coming together as a community) When a new student joins the class; After a long holiday break Then you may add other procedures later, such as putting the heading on papers, turning in homework, sharpening pencils, etc. Don't eat or … Not following rules could start from the principal's or individuals. Rules are intended to protect you. While it is easier to say hurtful or disrespectful things without standing face-to … Helps in the overall growth of the company: It is important to follow the rules because due to … Rules work best when there is consistency, predictability, and follow-through. And if you want the right to behave differently than children, you can do so. And society cannot function like this. Since schools establish that doing what teacher says is more important than being human, they can get away with imposing dress codes, mandatory volunteerism, disarmament, group-think, and a host of other rights violations. The conduct between people in a society is better because of rules. Teachers and principals don’t create rules without a good reason for doing so. These Movies and Shows Can Help You Make Sense of Confusing Economic Concepts, Understanding Trustees' Duties and Responsibilities in Managing a Trust, Estate Planning 101: How to Probate a Will, The Differences Between “Defamation,” “Libel” and “Slander”. 2. Rules also help prepare students for life as an adult. By learning to follow rules as a child, a person may be better prepared for following laws as an adult. They have to understand what is acceptable behaviour. Anonymous. Photo Courtesy: [picture alliance/Getty Images], Photo Courtesy: [The Washington Post/Getty Images], Photo Courtesy: [BSR Agency/Getty Images], Photo Courtesy: [Fernanda Calfat/Getty Images]. They have to understand what is acceptable behaviour. After whittling it down, I came up with two reasons we have rules: Consistency and Trust. School rules help maintain order in a large group of people. A family rule is a specific, clear statement about behaviors you expect from your child. Rules create healthy and safe environments in which all children can learn. If someone speaks out of turn, other students might not be able to hear the teacher or they may not feel confident enough to ask their own questions, which keeps them from learning. Why are rules important in a classroom? Rules also help prepare students for life as an adult. For example, a teacher may ask students to raise their hands before they speak. These rules usually differ from one place to the other and the differences are often determined by factors such as social interactions, beliefs, policies, and the method of governance in place. Crossing the street without a guard could lead to getting hit by a car. Because we have so many classes, the repetitive nature of this can grow tiresome. Classroom rules are important because they establish an environment of respect and academic achievement in our classroom. It regulates the behavior of the children--and so this is one factor why rules are important. This sounds like a question that might be set as a detention essay, because the answer highlights the very reason rules and regulations are created in the first place! Where one get transformed towards the real value of life . Why Is It Important to Follow School Rules? Lab safety is extremely important because if one thing is done wrong, it can result in a fire or a bad accident. Another is to promote good behavior among students and to maintain the good image of the school. Every school, every classroom and every teacher has rules for students to follow, no matter the learners’ ages. Principal’s not following the rules goes down to teachers and down to the students not following the rules. I share with students the rules poster we created at the beginning of the year. The questions I would need answered to say.. what are the punishments of school rules? Answer Save. While some students may see the rules as unnecessary or simply a way for teachers and administrators to control them, following school rules can be extremely important for safety, ensuring everyone has an equal chance at learning and preparing kids for the future, among other reasons. There may be anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand students at any level of education, ranging from elementary school to university. Rules are made for the safety and better welfare of the students in school. In case of any … Rules are a set of guidelines that got created in communities and countries and get used all as a standard. Office workers usually dress in business attire, whereas public services – like the police, NHS and fire brigade – all wear instantly recognisable uniforms. These rules. Why Is It Important to Follow School Rules 2 February 2017 Childhood is a totalitarian regime, and schools are the mental concentration camps. It is this strict number of rules that keep the conduct of the masses regulated and establishes the difference between what’s right and what’s wrong. But at home, we have a number of rules we all (not only the kids) need to follow. Make learning the procedures a concrete, hands-on activity throughout the first weeks of school. 1. One of the main reasons school rules exist is to create safety for students. But for other students, it means fewer distractions while they work on their own projects. Family rules help children understand what behaviors are okay and not okay. home, kindergarten/school, when at the park or visiting a friend’s house). Why Is the Keystone XL Pipeline Still So Disputed? For example, playing football on a high school level involves more rules than a peewee football game. And the rules I refer to can be in any form – laws, company policy, rules at home, etc. A society devoid of rules is quite likely to collapse under chaos. State your rules in the positive – “We eat in the kitchen at the table” rather than “No running … They want to follow them because the learning experience you provide is so much Certain rules help a child predict what will come next, such as … These rules often address responsibilities like being on time, being prepared, being courteous to staff and other students, being respectful of property, doing your best and following any other rules that the school sets forth. It is important for children to be able to follow instructions so that they can function effectively across different environments (e.g. 1 decade ago. It also helps the student get used to adhering to policies and procedures that they will face as an employee once they reach adulthood. Be respectful. This prevents a bias against things such as age, development and skills on teams. Rules are set to be in accordance with the desired results. While some students may see the rules as unnecessary or simply a way for teachers and administrators to control them, following school rules can be extremely important for safety, ensuring everyone has an equal chance at learning and preparing kids for the future, among other reasons. Students will identify purposes for having rules and ways that they provide order, fairness, security, and safety in the home, school, and community. While it may seem logical and even straightforward to follow directions--be they navigational directions, product-usage directions, or procedural or instructional directions, failure to follow directions can be a waste of time. While they may look forward to growing up and being out on their own, they'll soon find that they still need to follow rules. Above all else, teachers and administrators want to ensure that everyone arrives at school safely and makes it home in good shape. Do you want to pay those punishments? Other rules exist to foster a healthy learning and teaching environment. This will help students connect as to why we changed the Articles of Confederation and added the Bill of Rights to the Constitution. That’s why it’s important to keep discussing and practicing the rules all year long. Rules Foster Safety for Everyone Following school rules even outside of the classroom shows that students take pride in their school and want it to remain a great place for learning. The hustle and bustle of a new school year can get overwhelming. 3. (Image Courtesy: European Law School) #2. For example, classes may be asked to walk down the hall in a single-file line. Keep the People Safe Often times, the simplest of rules help protect us from ourselves. If you were a pedestrian on our street what rules would you need to follow? Rules in school are important an important power to teachers and principals because that’s how they keep the school’s safe from harm. Second, the rules are important because it is through them that law and order is maintained in any institution or a country. Horseplay on the playground could lead to someone falling off a piece of equipment and hitting their head. It is extremely important to plan out what classroom rules and procedures are to be used in the hospital classroom. When teachers and students trust and respect each other, it makes for a better learning environment, too. why is it important to follow school rules? Why are rules important in a classroom? When students in school stay focused they will most likely get a better education. This dichotomy started me thinking about rules. For example, regulations are used in schools in order to promote discipline and trust, in a bid to provide a peaceful learning environment for the students as the desired result. Following school rules is extremely important for students in school. Finally, school rules can also help kids prepare for their own futures. Some rules are intended to protect the students as well as the teachers. 2. In order to keep students engaged, the instructor should ask students to come up with a list of rules they believe are appropriate for the school (this should be done before beginning the lecture). 4. For An Organized Society . Favourite answer. When students follow those rules, they’re showing the adults that they respect the teachers’ authority and guidance. For example, rules are used in school or any institution promotes trust, fairness, and discipline in a bid to improve student performance as the desired results. Answer Save. This is why you should try to recognise the rules around uniform as an important life lesson. Relevance. In order for faculty and staff to manage such large groups, implementing rules for the students is necessary. High school and college students will also be given safety rules but at a different level than younger children. By learning to follow rules as a child, a person may be better prepared for following laws as an adult. Why are laws important when driving? Rules create healthy and safe environments in which all children can learn. From “World News Tonight” to “The View,” Here’s How to Contact Your Favorite ABC TV Shows. There are few occupations where people won’t have to obey some sort of dress code. Specific rules, such as "Don't go into the boiler room" or "No... 2 Peer Consideration. These Movies and Shows Can Help You Make Sense of Confusing Economic Concepts, Understanding Trustees' Duties and Responsibilities in Managing a Trust, Estate Planning 101: How to Probate a Will, The Differences Between “Defamation,” “Libel” and “Slander”. Why is the ability to following instructions important? This makes it easier for teachers and other staff to do their jobs. School rules also lay the groundwork for adult responsibilities. This allows multiple classes to walk the halls at once without disrupting each other. Students are more likely to follow the rules when they understand the purpose behind them; rules that seem excessive or unnecessary are more likely to be ignored. 4 Answers. #1. This is true because of things like curriculum planning, attending meetings, and organizing supplies, but also because you have to teach students the routines, procedures, and rules of the art room. However they remain just as important as in the school setting. Following direction is a fundamental skill, taught from an early age. Likewise, when renting a home or apartment, they'll have to follow their landlord's rules. When students follow school rules it can lead to staying safe and focused. Education is described by the mis-educated as real-life preparation; in actuality, schools train people to accept a society where the government and other institutions tell us what to think and do. Two Behavior Changes. Photo Courtesy: [XAVIER LEOTY/Getty Images], Every school, every classroom and every teacher has rules for students to follow, no matter the learners’ ages. High school students may be taught, for instance, safety rules in the science lab. And society cannot function like this. They may have to follow a dress code, or they may be on a strict schedule. Childhood is a totalitarian regime, and schools are the mental concentration camps. Family rules help create structure. Childhood is a totalitarian regime, and schools are the mental concentration camps. Running in the hallways could cause a student to trip and injure themselves or another person. School rules and regulations are made not to be broken. But if we demand this of children, we also have to expect that adults continue to follow the rules as much as possible; otherwise we have anarchy. When students in school stay focused they will most likely get a better education. Rules set boundaries, something that is essential for children to learn. The first major factor of importance of school rules is that it enables students to remain focused and most likely excel in their education. If a teacher asks students to work quietly, it may seem unfair to those who like to socialize. Why Is the Keystone XL Pipeline Still So Disputed? To keep us safe and orderly. Because, when your students enjoy being a member of your class, they're naturally inclined to follow rules. This also means that this unit is best presented after your classroom rules have been established and put in place for awhile. 1 decade ago. School are meant to be the best place and most important place of every one’s life. Just get a job where you don’t influence children. For this reason, there may be some basic safety rules, such as no running in the halls, no crossing the street without help from the guard, no horseplay on the playground and no bringing items that could be used as weapons to school. It s… Why is it important to follow school policy? I recommend two changes for those educators who need them: Follow your own rules in all professional situations. Rules set boundaries, something that is essential for children to learn. Following these guidelines is important because protecting children from harm is one of the main responsibilities of a school. Relevance. When students follow school rules it can lead to staying safe and focused. No personal relations or friends are allowed to visit a student during the class. Parents send their children to school in order for them to learn not only academic values, but also moral values. Why are family rules important? Begin with the most important procedures: entering the classroom, opening the class, transitions, and dismissal. why is it important to follow school rules? Following rules doesn't just show respect for fellow classmates; it also shows that students respect their teachers, administrators and other adults on the school's staff. School has been considered as temple also. In addition to self-preservation, obedience to school policies and procedures shows that you... 3 Academic Reputation. Anonymous. It's one of our core principles. Young learners can consider following the rules a gesture of kindness and a sign of respect for their classmates. This will show students why rules are important and necessary in order for the school to run properly. Would it be fair to the drivers on one road if the drivers on the other road never stopped at the traffic light or the stop sign? Following school rules is extremely important for students in school. Middle school and high school students have come to expect certain rules; therefore, I will not make them with students but present them as finished. Many rules, particularly those that are school-wide, are simply about maintaining order throughout the school's campus.

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