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uur hu.incM if larjf.lv in>-rca.inff anti re.|uir-Oit>i i"t. ru-un, p hatr rtnr(<] ti r~\-he •i.,t i .j. *.• .mmoilati >n ol TUAN.-IKM .t PERMANENTBOARDERS.In time* past “The Smedley" wa* kn-.an as afavorite *umuirr rc.>rt, and the present proprietorhopes to in abl* t . It is unfortunate that thi* should1 be the case, yet it undoubtedly i* true and evi- [dences a bad condition of affair*.cJuurmnl continue* te publish the name: of Mr. tieorge W. Yellott,of the 11 th district, as a| candidate for Sheriff when Mr. WIMt say* posij lively that he i* not a candidate and would notI accept the nomination. *vn street, between Mandcv ill*- andSpain, thi# city, #:*• • lie u*rd St. Jacob*# oil withthe greatest | ilile advantage when afflicted withrheumuti#tn.— .V*#r Or/rons Timrrn.bemorrot.MARRIAGES.11l RNI M—FISH FA I Gil.—On September 3tl,I **•!. The full moon will rise mnear the same time for three or four evening,adding grandeur to the whdo heavens.So far a* I have heard no accident*—rallmidor otherwise -have yet occurred consequent UpMthe great crowd of people corning to our eitywitne-* the tifiuje relebraiion. No. 111. r .lio I*2, Ac.This valuable property i situated on the YorkTurnpike Road, near C literary r Confectionery Establish,inent : the others beiti g dwelling houses. [volume] (Towsontown, Md.) E. J. Phillips, ami assistantsecretary, t. L. Pruden. * been iso fully ventilated and so thoroughly understoodby the people that the la t bonus ha* been made 1to the highly lav-re 1 book firm in the shape ofthe exorbitant price* paid them for the supplies• the} furnish to the public schools of the county.I /ff-Judj;# Bid llr. >*7. folio •! Yet in all the dirtplowed up there i* one thing *tudiou*ly kept outof right. and recordedamong the M rtgtgc lie uu*ty. late, in the present buildings, all the schoolchildren f the District, and that especially theiiialirr one# will have to be separated intcla**et" attend the school# alternately in the fore an I! Hogle, formerly proprietor ofPainter's ice cream saloon, Baltimore, who Is injail for forgery.states his liabilities to be |UU,OOO.He says that fof the above sum was lost inice transactions with bis partner. J. H. GLUCK SOld-Time Hand-Made Tinware,Thi* eminently celebrated ware i* manufacturedfrom the very finest uualitv ti**ue t.aper linedIIARCOAL TIN PLATES ever jwoduced. I’xiox.Currra/Htndenrr llttUimorr County Cm #.DR. Montgomery lllalr’s estate is valued at $73,0U0 : Hi* wife wa# made sole executrix.I rederi' k ! Mn.,Augu-t l.'th. ;,at the hour ••! This banner text can have markup.. web; books; video; audio; software; images; Toggle navigation From hi appearance he certainlyha* been having a good time, for be is looking*p!cndidly. Editor*:— Tbi* being'lhe 12th of Sep.Umber and the anniversary ot the battle of NorthFoint, i a regular municipal legal holiday, a S( |all public city office* closed in memory of the occasion, which tried men’s souls in the war wjtkEngland over seventy year# ago. No. rzr1— aFI’RNISIIKH STONK COTTA•• K. on a ieir*! They .irenot vet finished. and t.'*c.Real l.iftle, fijs.. 75c.Mouwpictnirc Lirlc Uloves, 25c and fflc.7n*tratc 1 whatremain* to be accomplished and is within easyrange—that is to make it a complete financialsutccs* x* well a* a ••rditable county exhibition-let u* hpo ti pair. Wheeler A Wi|. The remnantof the Old Defenders only about six of them ableto turn **ut on parade—celebrated the 'zeeasb a i Btheir usual way at Druid Hill Fark. of whom—Mr. of Baltimore, and !’•< nett.%Knight, of thi# county.11l NT lS**t LIMN.—-tin the 12th September,at the church of the A#cenion. The cost of so doing would have been but trifling compared with( the relief and pleasure that would have resulted.More shade tree* and better shelter from thesun’s rays in very warm weather would also lie agreat improvement. N crowd was congregated at the depot to meet him, for in thi* city the cltiien# areso ued to the presence of Prevalent* that theyseldom assemble in crowds l>* see one, except onthe arrival ol one recently idected, coming here; fr the first time for the purpose of inauguration.However, I'residtnt Arthur i# held in the highestesteem here by all classes of citizens, irrespectiveof political parties or party creed#, and, no doubt,everybody wa* glad that hews* returning in goodhealth and safety. W. TKMPLKMAN A CO..3? *e seen wen ling their way on almost everyzticef towards the various school-house*. hadnothing to il'i with trying t carry the 10th die*trict again*! hand does not suppress th. The refusal of Mr. !D. At St. Martin’s Farish,f Baltimore, by the Rev. -Country Store oa rail road .ad aik*.C r n rri i.r .< r yi.-- - fwk—• On,Legal Notices.John F. Cunrcy, Attorney, Twwsuntown. The can paper i* not ofthe “better quality” that Mr D. Jenifer describes.It i a most inferior paper. (Sep.!/*3y.CHKSTNI T POSTS. n-.rthwest one hundred and sixty perches,r southwest -nc hundred perchr*. * option..gdP’Thc decree authorises the Trutees to rejuie a cash deposit of S '.tMMiti ~n day of iot!e incase sai l property is sold in one tract: If sold inmore than *>ne tract to rr'|uirr a cash deposit of? 'My.WAXTKD— li to 2tH Acre* lor Urain andtl rating Farm : healthy location. Collar*. run* thence •■•uthc.| < r!v -it the ••mthwe>tside of Ma

  • oti avenue extendi *1 twenty-one Ivct.The other nine l.i are •• >ntigiiou to the tir*t*t anl re situate 1 south*.iterly therefrom.eachhaving . Ki asample of it on which some of the examination |questions are written. *0 Harry I!. Jobs | * will be spared *r opportunity omitted to achieve this end. 1865-1909, https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83016368/1883-09-15/ed-1/seq-2/. The correction 1cmedo thic wook, a* will bo ceea by reforeaco lo 'the call at the head of oar editorial solemn*.gt-Tkm It some lively kieklag going onamong Urn Democrat* af lower Maryland, aadIke outlook for them la tome of the eeeatiee I*anything hat sheering. c x - Senator Edward Lloyd,and Col. JL i. F. Ilardcastle.—^The Frederick county Agricultural Sei©tywill hold its .air coti menring Tuc#dy t October9th, nnd luting four day-. Md.Another Important Notice fI take great pleasure in ann. from 2 to fi P. M:ih bUtrirt —AT J. SCOTT PRICE S, PARKTON, from 2 to 6 P. M.va toWiVr—at cocki:ys*ille hotel,from 3 to 7 P. M.9#A to’jtri.r—AT TOWSONTOWN, from 1 to 7P. No. able avenue in Tnweintotn : nine rooms, good1 stabling and excellent water.Apply to JUS. The children, ueatly dressed, and of allsizes, nn l '"-rationally accompanied by parent*,could ! If all the Democrat* in iBaltimore county nrr to be oitraeiard for baringaoma time or other voted a ticket which we. Lexington A Calvert Sts.Baltimore. *i\Vs:1 The tiref of *nid Lot* h.-gin* at the intersection•f the mitlir*l si le o| M.t dion aver.ueextendedwith the •••iith* t'|c..| an alley fifteen fret wideI11•ut :11 Im I >!| uf ttfet buodiwl 114 tttf|t|, I2"' feet •••uthe.i-terly fr..in Ilrni I Hill Terrace,an-! Mcdairy is the topic on every hand. Rut I have md the time lo |waste nor the inclination to enter into any controversy with the liii'Wr editor of the Jonmtd ;neither will I accept any favors or frown* fromhis pen. Woodward, ofMaine. 13.—1 f. LINTON A KIR WAN.CHALLENGE.“CoiiH'l” ia. Stiper. Aujj. The premiums to beawarded t* h 'r#e#, cattle, dc., amount to s#,intti,—The Washing! But thespeedy organization of five school*. AYm.darker and other*, dated July .id. But such was not the case,fr while this company carried the eity passengerto Timotiium for on# r*mt /nr milr they unjustly©barged the farmer ttro rrnt* /,*r mil*.The sen. t'handler,feller. sary conveniences nt thi* place, deter person* whomight de*ire to locate hero frotu making it their* residence. from | to 7 P. M . IN TIIK"rH KI.IN Th\ !|> * Rh*TOF ItALTIMuItK• •! W.and Belle C-x.BACON.—On September 7th, at her daughter*#re idrncc. The paper, the ink and .he Icopy books is a proof of it. An len ct ah*. and particular attention . be unfoldefl. Rails and Weed for sale:delivered or in the wood* near Tim mium.—J P. CLARK, Lexington and Calvert Sts.. Baltimore. I Re<|tea l. Mattris* nn 1 Spring. Tb.y bar# il.ughter.! Tiki: x otiikr.—Nom iJi mim umi -i Tv> Tuans Mark. >*ir r-i.il, I mi!r frum cilt. n county Agricultural Societyi# making extensive preparation* for it* 2Mhannual exhibition. on2fPthe Itelair r*ad, ab .ut 7 miles lr*mof Baltimore and immediately in front of SaintJoseph's church. I fopRujgy an i ll vrnrs*. Cheap paper writing service provides high-quality essays for affordable prices. Ask for fiLITO,OLD-TIME TINWARE. 1"". No. Perry Hall Farm.TO I.OAN.MOSKY TO l.*>AN oN MoUT.iACI S. ini sum* ranging from ONK To FIYH TIImI >\NIHOLLARS, for from two to five years, at 5 percent. We quote: Common separation, sl6; small alimony, $23: large alimony,S3O to $ I Ofl, according to circumstance*. Jx*. Bridle*, Halter#. :VAU AIII.E III''ILIUNii I.UT- nN 4,S'S 1.1-:\ I X!T ha beatan. Nearly all college men, exceptthose from Harvard, insist that the art was discovered at Yale. Mcdairy .1 Co. for supplying thesearticles to the schools. W||ITKWAS||and AtSRICI I.TI RAL LI.MK. I havethrehcd my wheat and my average i# twenty-five, bushel* per acre. Theweather could not have been *urpa*ed for plea*antne*p and agieenhlene*. !oi, ttir.in ll<.f.b..,lot of llojr, .bout 2,000 Cahbogo in lb. t.. cell at the I.4>weat Price*. '•rptember l!Nh c uponwhich occasion th re will lr an ••••pening." THi i PIKH RY JAMKS RI I AC.• R\ virtue • f the power contained in a mortgage1 frotu James Rujac and wit. overlooking Hrilid Hill I'.irk.• n the line • f the city Pas enger ltailra I.MSTIis •He i* peremptory. VEAL,LAMB AND SiITToX. .jii r- n I ehoi-’.- t \ kliveand Imported Wines,Lrown M .ut*. M. t- 2) IV M.V.II.MAM PARKS.Treasurer and Collector.J JOHN* C. BOSLKY, Clerk. But •this i* not going far enuugh. prove property, paycharges and take her awav.SAMI ill. PIXKKRTON.Sept. .Vo auhacripttnn Inkrn foriraathan aijr moutha.Republican Primary Meetings!atAt a inert ll £ ol (be Republican Executive Committee fur Baltimore count/. af >resuid, in LiberJ. and thence with• a straight line to the place of beginning, containingUNK HI NHRKH ACRES OF LAND, Mu REUK LKSS.The improvement* consist of aUuuli BARN ANH coTTAUK.The farm ha* a l.cautiful building site, a large) deposit of veil*.w iM-hre. *t all m hat purchaser's *pti* n, credit payment*, it any. #•. It i* CHEMICALLY PURE. have beenerected during the pa*t year in the District.Among the handsome prize* to be tendered towinning crew* at the c lining !• at race* or regattahere, i# a solid silver \ n*e *! 11. JulIX I*. an l re*ordtd among the M-.rt. John M. Anders, date 1November 17th. .wc‘! They are charged with having notdojfiree, etnetiontrred off noatirnttliona, bartered fiort rnnrahipa, #ind lnimjhl f'nited a Senat trabi/ta, 1and that they have done it by money levied onthe people and by blackmail extorted from thelegislature. year< to meet th'* same difficulty, which i* raid tobe greater thi# year than ever before, "n accountj of the increased number of scholars. Lincoln and Attorney-General Brewster,are still absent, tho contemplated Cabinet meetingof to-day will protsaLly not tuke place till nextFriday, if then, a* po--iblv these absent official*may not be here by that time.There ha* been a great deal of talk for severalweek* past to the effret that a* soon as SecretaryFolger should return John C. New, f. S. Treasurer,would resign hi* position. Respectfully. This banner text can have markup.. web; books; video; audio; software; images; Toggle navigation fb 21*1 •/• / S> j.ftutht r, I". Learn more, Image provided by: University of Maryland, College Park, MD, file Iftniotu- ■■ ■ i. It might seem impossible to you that all custom-written essays, research papers, speeches, book reviews, and other custom task completed by our writers are both of high quality and cheap. This exhibition of product* and machinery was gottenup by and in the interest of the farmers of llahi; more eountv, and as it is the farming community! towhich all mi friends rdialtv invited.1 will con duet aiKN Ml Al.l • I NT R \ STf >R F.an 1 hope hy strict attention t business to merita fair share >f the public patronage.Sep>-21 j Al tIFSTI S M MKR.J IMKS MWK! I set Carriage liarnos*. ST.DENNIS, from 3 .. fi p. M.£47* Judge# of the Primary Election are beselected by the member. 4.—tf.oon nnjl to i.o%x ox cocxtyorCOW.UUUciTY PRopKRTY. ( there find that he. will go to some Baltimore crew, who are cordially invited to compete, or to a crew in thi* eity.Frost Is said to have put in an appearance heresome morning* ago, mi l nt present the weather i#a# cool a# could bo wihe l at this season of thei year—rather cooler than thin summer suits rail| for. folio I*. In good order: I two.horseRoller, 2 two-horse Flows, IMl "Yone-horse Flow, 2 Cultivators.gMffiobffiffil Double Shovel Flow, I two.Foroe llinge Harrow, I two-burse “W” Harrow,Double and Single Tree#. an I mv wi*h spei'ial accommodations,will receive prompt attention bv addre**ingK. Cheap paper writing service provides high-quality essays for affordable prices. It might seem impossible to you that all custom-written essays, research papers, speeches, book reviews, and other custom task completed by our writers are both of high quality and cheap. and then'• northerly bounding there*.n to the beginning, be* ing the umo land described in a deed from MariaL. Kiln* at l.ochRaven. to allow any other bookseller* to compete with it. Lexington and Calvert Sit., Baltimore.WON BY INVESTED Lmw,UVI t u nt i.rSales of Property.Milton W. Olfutl uud Wlllluni H. Kucli,. M.2d to'rrYf—AT SiIIHI.KV’S HOTEL. Mr. New is a very able and u-etuluntil her of the adiuinitration and the Presidentis very loth to part with him, ytt whether hr willhe able to retain him at present is too enigmaticalto sneak Yith the finest brand* ofl.

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