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soybean new variety 2019

It’s complicated, but the short version is when they hit soybean fields that also have SCN, disease symptoms occur earlier, are more severe and yield losses are higher. February 19, 2019. The 2018 report is available at the MSU Variety Trials website and was also published in the Michigan Farm News and sent directly to Michigan soybean producers by the Michigan Soybean Checkoff. Speaking of input suppliers, after giving the online seed selection tools a shot, the old way is still my preference. Get Minnesota Crop News by email ; More… 2019 U of M SE Minnesota regional soybean yield results available October 24, 2019 Lisa Behnken and Ryan Miller, Extension educators Performance comparisons of early (1.0-1.8) and late (1.9-2.5) maturity soybeans in southeastern Minnesota are now available. 2019 Yield, 2-Year, and 3-Year Average Yield (bu/ac) of Relative Maturity 3.5 -4.4 Xtend Soybean Varieties/Experimental Lines Across Arkansas, 2019 1. The varieties join an established portfolio of high-yielding products that are proven to perform across environments. This technology allows post-emergent applications of DuPont™ Synchrony® XP and DuPont™ Classic® herbicides without crop injury or stress (see herbicide product labels). The analysis also showed that on average, soybean harvest operations are delayed by one day for each 0.1 increase in soybean maturity group. Soybeans evaluated in this trial were tolerant to one or more of … MSU Extension analyzed yield data from the Michigan Soybean Performance Reports from 2013 to 2018 to demonstrate how dramatically variety selection impacts soybean yields and income. The 2019 soybean class complements the already-outstanding Pioneer brand A-Series soybean lineup, the highest-yielding soybeans ever introduced by Pioneer. In fact, variety selection is your best option for managing these pests. Table 9. While there were a lot of agronomic choices in most of the online seed selection tools I could use to narrow the field down from the initial 100 varieties, “yield potential” wasn’t one of them. Given the wide range of weather farmers faced from spring through harvest, maybe this isn’t a surprise since weather is the biggest wild card of all the factors driving soybean yields. Making effective SCN management even more important are the interactions between common diseases like brown stem rot and sudden death syndrome (SDS) and SCN. The SMaRT project was developed to help Michigan producers increase soybean yields and farm profitability. Whether it was within fields, between fields or from different areas altogether, this year is generating more questions and comments about yield variability than usual. Soybean performance tests are conducted annually to provide farmers, extension personnel, and private seed companies with agronomic information on varieties submitted by private seed companies and Michigan Crop Improvement Association. Leandro Mozzoni, soybean breeder for the Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station, the research arm of the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture, says the Enlist E3 soybean trait will give local producers access to new Arkansas-adapted soybean varieties with more weed control options. 2019 Soybean Product Advancements. Since we’re heading into the time of year for nailing down seed orders, let’s talk about selecting the best genetics for our fields to maximize returns and minimize variability. Table 1 summarizes how variety selection impacted soybean yield and Table 2 shows how variety selection affected gross income. “A new one triple stacked soybean is coming out in 2019 will enable producers to use the three herbicides - Balance, Liberty and Roundup. No other input can radically change the yield potential to the extent that variety selection can. Soybean tests are conducted annually to provide information regarding the performance of soybeans grown in Pennsylvania. Trial categories No doubt there are folks who prefer online tools for the entire seed selection process. Soybean Variety Yield Response to Planting Date. AgResearch and Education Center (REC) location information; County Standard Test (CST) location information; Summary “A Group” varieties; Maturity Group III. Here’s a sneak peek at some of the new CROPLAN ® corn and soybean genetics that I’ve seen performing well in Ohio and the northeast. Soybean yields were all over the place in 2018, which isn’t unusual. The soybean variety produced a good crop – yielding 75.63 bushels per acre, earning him first place in Division 2 of the Wisconsin Soybean Association and Wisconsin Soybean Marketing Board’s Soybean Yield Contest. The 2019 list contains information on 891 varieties, 71 more than were in the 2018 list. Informa Markets, a trading division of Informa PLC. A Michigan Soybean Performance Report searchable database is also available online. They are distributed first on this web site, then through weekly newspapers in Wisconsin. Two new corn products that have exhibited consistent performance in my area in both Answer Plot ® and Insight Trial testing are CP4265VT2P/RIB and CP5115SS/RIB (also available as … Official Variety Testing Program Variety Selection Tool Variety Selection Tool Reports: 2020 OVT TABLES: 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 This information is presented under authority granted the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service to conduct performance tests, including interpretation of data to the public, and does not imply endorsement or recommendation by … 2019 Yield, 2-Year, and 3-Year Average Yield ... Table 3. Local and regional test plot results can be useful in getting info on new varieties. This analysis supports the MSU Extension recommendation of planting varieties from a range of adapted soybean maturity groups. 20192 3 Keiser Irrig Keiser Irrig 2-YrAvg Keiser4 2 Irrig 3-Yr Avg 2019 2 Keiser LP Irrig 2019 … Pioneer delivers a wide range of soybean seed choices, from conventional soybeans to high-performing GMO options, that bring even more value to your operation. MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer. As we start sorting through varieties and comparing them, any guesses as to the most important agronomic trait to consider? Most varieties have phytophthora resistance genes on board, and most are also rated for their natural or “field” resistance. So, I started with the online seed selection tools from four companies and got initial recommendations for my area. Soybean. Not too many years ago, if we suspected or knew we had SCN, management was simple: Plant resistant genetics. The soybean varieties you select will directly affect your yield potential and income in 2019. Winter storm leaves empty Texas grocery shelves – again, New funding pushes fertilizer tech to next level, Funding available to improve forest health, Hop genome paper could aid brewers, medical researchers, First Walnut Conference to cover food safety, trade, data, Shipping constraints sour U.S. agricultural exports, Allowed HTML tags:

. A majority of the varieties in the updated 2019 list possess SCN resistance from the PI 88788 breeding line. The 40 new A-Series varieties now bring the A-Series soybean lineup to nearly 150 varieties, ranging in maturity from Group 000 to Group 7. Farm Progress is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC. Find yield, maturity and other agronomic information summarized in the guides linked below. Varieties with the DuPont™ STS® gene (STS) are tolerant to certain SU (sulfonylurea) herbicides. Producers should also consider quality characteristics when selecting soybean varieties. Photo copies of the results are available after December 3 and the printed version after December 15 by sending a request to Adam Roth, UW Agronomy. Table 1 summarizes how variety selection impacted soybean yield and Table 2 shows how variety selection affect… Next steps to takeWe can increase our odds of getting higher yields by matching soybean agronomic traits to our particular soils and production systems. Locations. The 2019 Arkansas Performance Tests contained 191 soybean varieties and strains, and were conducted at the Northeast Re- search and Extension Center (NEREC) at Keiser, the Lon Mann Cotton Research Station (LMCRS) near Marianna, the Pine Tree Research Station (PTRS) near Colt, the Rohwer Research Station (RRS) near Rohwer, and the Rice Research and Extension … The sites had links to yield data, so that was helpful. Two more places to find yield data are Iowa State University’s own Iowa Crop Improvement Tests at croptesting.iastate.edu and the Farmers Independent Research of Seed Technologies at firstseedtests.com. If a variety has been entered before, please provide its "previous I.D." Jeffrey W. Dwyer, Director, MSU Extension, East Lansing, MI 48824. Soybean Variety Trial Results are generally available starting the last week of November each year. Like so many other brilliant ideas, this started heading south on me quickly; there were about 100 varieties to pick from. Check out Dyna-Gro’s latest lineup … Significant yield losses from soybean aphids, soybean diseases such as Phytophthora root and stem rot, white mold, sudden death syndrome and soybean cyst nematodes can be reduced by selecting resistant or tolerant varieties. This is one more reason for having your soybean cyst nematode-infested fields type tested. But weather differences don’t always explain some of the yield variability. Tech. Syngenta has expanded its NK soybean portfolio with 13 new varieties for the 2019 season, furthering the company’s commitment to helping growers maximize whole-farm profit potential through innovation. Informa PLC's registered office is 5 Howick Place, London SW1P 1WG. https://www.farmprogress.com/sites/all/themes/penton_subtheme_farmprogress/images/logos/footer.png. New varieties and hybrids of fruits and ornamentals add up to UPLB’s contribution to food security and biodiversity. The annual report, Iowa State University Extension publication IPM 52, provides the source of soybean cyst nematode resistance, yield performance and soybean cyst nematode population suppression effects for all the entered varieties. The variety has unique features of high yield, early maturity and tolerant to yellow mosaic disease. Reference to commercial products or trade names does not imply endorsement by MSU Extension or bias against those not mentioned. Soybean Source: Finalizing your soybean seed order this fall for next spring’s planting takes careful consideration. With different sets of resistance genes being used, some choices can be made with those. Lines and paragraphs break automatically. Description of Soybean Varieties High Protein & Large Seed Maturity Zone Variety Name Flower Color Pod Color Pubescence Hilium Coat Royalty per 50 Lbs. Editor's note: The dollar values in Table 2 were incorrect when originally published in December 2018 and were updated in February 2019. Research has shown that evaluating performance over a wide range of locations and over multiple years will help you select the best adapted varieties for your farm. The varieties in the 2019 list are offered by 24 companies and Iowa State University. A lot of companies give scores for emergence, what types of tillage each variety is suited for, standability, iron chlorosis, plant height and a collection of other characteristics that can be helpful for variety selection in some situations. Good luck wrapping up harvest, be safe and enjoy the upcoming holidays! SMaRT is a partnership between Michigan State University Extension and the Michigan Soybean Checkoff program. The sites had links to yield data, so that was helpful. 2019 Soybean Update. Table 2. Enlist E3™ soybean technology is jointly developed by Dow AgroSciences LLC and MS Technologies LLC. High minus the average (bushels per acre). It should also be noted that later planting had less of an impact on yield than is typically experienced in 2019. After producing the first ever gene edited soybean crop in the United States, Calyxt will be releasing four to six new varieties come the 2019 growing season. Variety selection is not a decision to be made lightly as it is the most important decision facing a producer going into the season. Performance tests were conducted under full-season (May- planted) and/or double-crop (planted June to early-July) systems in the Northern Piedmont (Orange), Southern Piedmont (Blackstone), Northern Coastal Plain (Warsaw), Southern Coastal … All rights reserved. In 2019 he liked what he saw. Table 2. More information can be found in the 2019 Seed Guide, on the LG Seeds WEB site or by contacting a member of the LG Seeds Sales Team for your area. McGrath is the on-farm research and Extension coordinator for the Iowa Soybean Research Center at ISU. MINNETONKA, Minn., USA, Aug. 21, 2018 – Syngenta today announced the expansion of the NK ® soybean portfolio with 13 new varieties for the 2019 season, furthering the company’s commitment to helping growers maximize whole-farm profit potential through innovation. The 2018 Soybean Performance Report lists the genetic resistance to Phytophthora of the varieties tested. Issued in furtherance of MSU Extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Contact him at cmcgrath@iastate.edu. 2019 NDSU Conventional and Liberty Link Soybean, Central Locations in North Dakota. Consequently, not all SCN-resistant soybean varieties provide the same level of nematode control. MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer, committed to achieving excellence through a diverse workforce and inclusive culture that encourages all people to reach their full potential. Thanks to funding by the soybean checkoff through the Iowa Soybean Association, ISU annually evaluates nematode control and yield of SCN-resistant varieties in numerous field experiments conducted in SCN-infested fields. Latest breaking news about the global soybean markets from AgriCensus. Copyright © 2021. Table 10. Occasionally, there can be some limited data on new varieties in yield information exchanges like these if somebody had access to the variety a year ahead of a full release or raised seed beans for a company. In the most recent trials conducted by Farmers’ Independent Research of Seed Technologies (FIRST), NK varieties … CP1600X — WinPak variety consisting of CP1578X and CP1788X. This has been the situation for many years (see graph below). The yield potential under ideal growing conditions varies among varieties and the maximum yield potential of a given variety is also affected by weather and other environmental conditions. The soybean cyst nematode (SCN) trial entry charge has been reduced from $575 to $350 per entry. In some of the yield variability situations, these two helped account for the variability beyond weather. This article was published by Michigan State University Extension. You might say, “What do you mean, ‘Where do we start?’ ” Our priority is yield!” You nailed it; yield potential is priority No. SO MANY CHOICES: The number of soybean varieties available has greatly increased the past several years, and there are many more trait choices with today’s varieties. This site is operated by a business or businesses owned by Informa PLC and all copyright resides with them. Michigan State University Extension programs and materials are open to all without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, religion, age, height, weight, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital status, family status or veteran status. Economic advantage¹ of the highest-yielding soybean varieties over the average yield of all the varieties and the lowest-yielding varieties averaged across all locations and maturity groups from the “Michigan Soybean Performance Reports” (Roundup Ready varieties only). Soybean … 2019 NDSU Credenz, Enlist, RR and Xtend Soybean, Central Locations in North Dakota. It might be the most confusing, so it is worthy of another article. ***** Click on the picture below for the full printable report. Lodging problems are most likely to occur when soybeans are grown on muck soils or under irrigation. Credenz is now the 10 th most planted soybean seed in the U.S., offering over 75 varieties nationally and over 45 varieties for Midwest growers. Some of the ratings are subjective and it isn’t always easy to compare different companies since their terminology and ratings scales may vary, but it is worth the effort. https://www.grainews.ca/features/new-soybean-varieties-for-2019 Yield advantage of the highest-yielding soybean varieties over the average yield of all the varieties and the lowest-yielding varieties averaged across all locations and maturity groups from the “Michigan Soybean Performance Reports” (Roundup Ready varieties only). Enlist E3 soybeans are tolerant to three different herbicides — 2,4 … Use the Michigan Soybean Performance Report to obtain lodging scores for the varieties entered in the trials. To contact an expert in your area, visit https://extension.msu.edu/experts, or call 888-MSUE4MI (888-678-3464). Planted Lrg Seed High Protein SCN Aphid Resistance Lypoxygenase free 1% Linolenic Acid Low Saturates 1 IA1018 Purple Tan Light Tawny Yellow Shiny $2.50 It was the first time the Sparta-area grower had ever entered the contest. Since many seed experts point out that the most accurate prediction of a variety’s performance is a stable yield in many locations over several years, it looks like we need sources for more data! These results are presented as Excel Spreadsheets. The information published in the Iowa State University trials should be transferable and useful on your farm provided the varieties tested are adapted to your farm and the soybean cyst nematode population type at the trials is similar to the soybean cyst nematode population type in your fields. Because of this, Michigan State University Extension recommends considering yield, pest and pathogen resistance, maturity, lodging and quality when selecting varieties. If you answer, “resistance to soybean cyst nematode,” you are right; approximately 75% of Iowa fields have SCN. RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC, August 27, 2019 – Focused on providing the right soybean variety to fit local grower needs, BASF is adding 43 new varieties to their 2020 Credenz ® seed lineup. Next level of sorting If you have a good idea of the disease history in your fields going to soybeans, your ability to match the best genetics to your situation (and narrow the online lists some more) just went up significantly. Variety/Experimental Line Herb. Table 1. For others, online variety and yield data is a good place to start, but it’s hard to beat the insight and service that local dealers provide when it’s time to finalize orders. Oil and protein levels vary among varieties, so producers should select varieties containing 19 percent oil and 35 percent protein when possible. Maximize farm income by selecting high-yielding and pest-resistant soybean varieties. However, seed suppliers are the best source for more specific information, such as sudden death syndrome, Phytophthora and white mold tolerance for each of their varieties. Soybean producers need to meet this standard to maintain access to these markets. MSU Extension analyzed yield data from the Michigan Soybean Performance Reports from 2013 to 2018 to demonstrate how dramatically variety selection impacts soybean yields and income. Varieties were replicated four times and eight root systems from each plot were sampled for the percent of root system galled at R4-R5 growth stage. The last category I’ll mention is herbicide resistance traits. 2019 NDSU Combined SCN-infested Soil Soybean non-GMO Variety Trial. The performance of soybean, dry (edible) bean, field pea, faba bean and lentil varieties is tested at multiple locations across Manitoba each year. To have a digest of information delivered straight to your email inbox, visit https://extension.msu.edu/newsletters. Shri Kashinath N. Lokhande has extensively researched for eight years and developed a new variety of Soybean which has proved worthwhile for the farmers. Yield is one of the most important characteristics to consider when selecting soybean varieties. We have a much greater degree of control with the two other major factors that drive yield: genetic selection and management. Producers are encouraged to rotate sources of soybean cyst nematode resistance and seed suppliers are the best place to get information regarding the source of the soybean cyst nematode resistance for their soybean cyst nematode resistant varieties. The author sincerely apologizes for any inconveniences this may have caused. Pioneer® Brand A-Series Soybeans Our high-yield potential A-Series soybeans offer unrivaled agronomic performance and the most herbicide-tolerant trait options to maximize your soybean acres. A shorter season variety is the correct decision if winter wheat is to be seeded after soybeans or if harvest timeliness is a problem in a given region. In addition to this it has bolder seeds and requires lesser water. The program was initiated in 1974 using high yielding germplasm from North America and other regions of the world combined with promiscuously nodulating germplasm from Asia (Tefera, 2011), and the … ¹Economic advantage was determined by multiplying the yield advantage of the highest yielding varieties by the USDA average prices received for each marketing year – $13 per bushel for 2013-2014; $10.10 per bushel for 2014-2015; $8.95 per bushel for 2015-2016; $9.47 per bushel for 2016-2017; $9.33 for 2017-2018 (estimated); and $8.60 for 2018-2019 (projected). Registered in England and Wales. An analysis of soybean yield and maturity data from the 2009-2016 Michigan Soybean Performance Reports showed that maturity has little effect on soybean yields as long as the highest-yielding varieties are selected within the adapted maturity range for the area. Some farmers share yield data on their varieties with neighbors or local groups. Iowa State University conducts the most comprehensive soybean cyst nematode resistant variety trials in the United States. Daily soybean market commentary and soybean prices for China, US, Brazil, Argentina and Europe. MG-3 Yield, Agronomic, and Quality Data across REC Locations (1yr, 2yr, 3yr) MG-3 Yield Data by REC Location (1yr, 2yr, 3yr) While yield info from seed companies and fellow farmers is helpful, the bottom line is the sheer number of varieties on the market — along with their shorter life cycles — make it tough to find a lot of multiyear, multi-location yield data. The Michigan Soybean Performance Report lists the oil and protein levels for all of the entries. Check out the MSU Fruit, Vegetable, and Organic Horticulture Management Certificate Program! Other factors to consider The list of agronomic traits we can sort through keeps getting longer, but it helps shorten up my list of nearly 100 varieties. Web page addresses and e-mail addresses turn into links automatically. Occasionally, there can be some limited data on new varieties in … NOTE: A soybean variety … The 2018 report is available online at the Iowa State University SCN-Resistant Soybean Variety Trials website. The Michigan Soybean Performance Report is an excellent source for this information. This information is for educational purposes only. 13 June 2019. Table 8. Unfortunately, … Table 11. Instead of how I’ve always approached seed selection, the traditional farm or office visit between seed dealer and customer, why not join the technology age with this task, too? A variety that has the highest yield potential under ideal conditions may not yield as well as others when confronted with yield-limiting factors. A fairly safe, general theme with those traits is that once you settle on the varieties that fit your agronomic needs, line up some time to talk with your chemical supplier. During the 2019 season the Lonoke Extension Plant Pathology Program selected 56 soybean varieties that were divided into five experiments based on herbicide technologies and maturity groups. Some farmers share yield data on their varieties with neighbors or local groups. But what caught some folks attention was the wider-than-usual range between highs and lows in some cases. Rock Springs, Centre County ; Williamsburg/Martinsburg, Blair County ; Southeast Agricultural Research and Extension Center, Lancaster County ; Double Crop Soybeans A new line of soybean varieties, the Tiwala 14, 16, 18, and 20, proves to yield 14% to 70% more than the benchmark variety … The searchable database enables soybean producers to input specific search criteria such as soybean cyst nematode resistance, Phytophthora resistance, protein and oil content and maturity to identify the highest-yielding varieties having the selected characteristics.

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