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swiss family robinson chapter 41 summary

[23] “The House of Dan,” spencorp.info, https://www.spencorp.info/the-house-of-dan. And though court and karma finally caught up to this 68-year old prick 39 years later with a 39-month prison sentence in July 2015, you know that this girl wasn’t his only victim as child rapists invariably repeat their crimes. [30] As time goes on, impulsive behavior may become an automatic response to emotional pain. [89] “The Royals and the Antichrist,” http://prophecy.go-cephas.com/prophecy_royals_and_the_antichrist.html. Amidst all this swirling royal subterfuge in late 2002, recall from Chapter 28 that Butler Burrell told the press of his December 1997 meeting with the queen where she stated: Be careful, Paul. [176] “Sir Michael Havers, Brother of Baroness Butler-Sloss,” spotlightonabuse.wordpress.com, July 8, 2014, https://spotlightonabuse.wordpress.com/2014/07/08/sir-michael-havers-brother-of-baroness-butler-sloss/. Adding headaches to police detectives investigating this royal “Cheshire cat” was his repeatedly misspelled name that further permitted him to evade justice. [94][95][96][97] The diagnosis of BPD (also described as "personality disorder: borderline pattern qualifier") in adolescents is supported in recent updates to the international diagnostic and psychiatric classification tools including the DSM-5 and ICD-11. They are distinguishable by the timing and duration of symptoms, which are markedly different: the symptoms of PMDD occur only during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle,[140] whereas BPD symptoms occur persistently at all stages of the menstrual cycle. Meanwhile, in plain sight, Britain’s vast child trafficking-rape network quietly lives on, by design out of sight and out of mind. [86] A decade later in 1991 Diana recorded audio tapes explaining her melodramatics as a cry for her husband’s attention, but his reaction accused her of crying wolf, that her histrionics were aimed purely at manipulation, and he refused to allow it to get in the way of his scheduled horse ride. Far from the propagated myth that the longest running monarch in British history is but a “figurehead,” that commonly held deception by design is analogous to America’s Federal Reserve being part of the US government when the Rothschild private central bank controlling America’s money supply is neither “federal” nor “a reserve.” Another hidden historical falsehood is that the so called “sovereign” nation of America earned its independence upon winning its Revolutionary War when in fact it still secretly remains a British colony. [206] The reason Surrey police so strongly urged Crown Prosecution Service not to prosecute Savile was not from lack of evidence but simply the royal family’s involvement. However, the transparent royal ploy didn’t work as immediate fallout from the acquittal followed. This fact renders every royal reign since illegitimate as well. [161] For near 20 years this star photographer in demand sexually abused daughters starting at 9- and 6-years old. Twin studies may overestimate the effect of genes on variability in personality disorders due to the complicating factor of a shared family environment. While heading the Albany Trust in 1975, he sponsored a Q&A pamphlet with Paedophile Information Exchange members, claiming that pedophiles “represent no special threat to society,” advocating in favor of them working with children. In the 1970s Savile got to know Prince Charles reportedly through mutual charity causes, gradually growing closer throughout the 1980s so that the pedophile became the prince’s intimate confidant, reportedly on the short list to be Prince Harry’s godfather. [106] Barry James, “Royal Bodyguard Confesses to Homosexual Relationship,” UPI, July 19, 1982, https://www.upi.com/Archives/1982/07/19/Royal-bodyguard-confesses-to-homosexual-relationship/3144395899200/. In other words, the WWF has a deceptive track record of doing exactly the opposite of what it advertises. The so-called "treatment gap" is a function of the disinclination of the afflicted to submit for treatment, an underdiagnosing of the disorder by healthcare providers, and the limited availability and access to state-of-the-art treatments. From the Express: As Kate Middleton prepares to marry a prince, her family biographer explains why their remarkable rise from the most humble background is a triumph of social mobility.[76]. [445] Dane Wigington, “Global Weather Modification Assault Causing Climate Chaos and Environmental Catastrophe,” geoengineeringwatch.org, March 14, 2018, https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/global-weather-modification-assault-causing-climate-chaos-and-environmental-catastrophe-2/. [395] Cathy O’Brien, http://www.reptilianagenda.com/exp/e100799i.shtml. When all that is readily available and known within the public domain is taken fully into account, it makes for a formidably persuasive, if not open and shut case. [221][222] Psychiatrists Eric Bui and Rachel Rodgers argue that the Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader character in the Star Wars films meets six of the nine diagnostic criteria; Bui also found Anakin a useful example to explain BPD to medical students. Police suspect a larger pedophile ring operating within the royal protection force.[158]. He articulates opinions that courtiers can only think.[184]. In 1979 when pedophile Blunt was exposed a traitor in Rothschild’s Cambridge spy ring having given away British top secrets to the Soviets, Queen Elizabeth made it clear that Blunt was never to be questioned about his secret mission to recover all the royals’ damaging pro-Nazi evidence. According to the same Vanity Fair article, Juan Alessi, a former Epstein employee at his Palm Beach estate, stated in a sworn deposition: Andrew attended naked pool parties and was treated to massages by a harem of adolescent girls.[275]. A sister of one of Ball’s many abuse victims who took his own life claimed in a recent documentary that the pedophile’s “friends in high places,” like Prince Charles, “are categorically to blame” for her 38-year old brother’s premature death. [4], About 1.6% of people have BPD in a given year, with some estimates as high as 6%. [217] Richard Kay, “Jimmy Savile and Prince Charles’ Very Close Friendship with Sex Abuse Bishop Ball,” Daily Mail, October 8, 2015, https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3265742/Jimmy-Savile-Prince-Charles-close-friendship-sex-abuse-bishop-Peter-Ball.html. [16] Jon Rogers, “Who was Prince William of Gloucester? [193] On full manic display, his satanic wizardry was at work, masterfully weaving his thinly disguised magic wand of child rape right before our eyes. [156] But 48-year old Tom Herman, father of three, was allowed to keep his job after the Portsmouth Crown Court cleared him of all child pornography charges. The Freemason Prince married to the Queen and bio-warmongering Billionaire Bill have us targeted in their crosshairs for elimination, both aligned with the infamous NWO black nobility bastion the Club of Rome. Deemed the black sheep of the royal family, Edward VIII has been outed a traitor by MSM per a German microfilm dossier found by US troops in Germany at the end of the war. And again, intelligence services would have kept the royal family abreast of their fond bishop’s deviant proclivity. Another derelict also charged with four counts of making indecent images of children while employed as a Home Office chief responsible for security at Buckingham Palace, other royal palaces and 10 Downing Street. [456] Dissension within the ranks may foment rejection of the Crown and monarchy altogether. This is yet another cover-up and disgrace of the entire British justice system. [275] “Prince Andrew: Ties to Jeffrey Epstein and his Tenuous Position in ‘the Firm,’” https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2011/06/prince-andrew-ties-to-jeffrey-epstein-and-his-tenuous-position-in-the-firm. Cortisol production tends to be elevated in people with BPD, indicating a hyperactive HPA axis in these individuals. The royal family was complicit in protecting all of Blunt’s “bad habits.” Speaking of Elm Guest House guests, aside from Blunt, two other Buckingham Palace employees allegedly partied at the infamous boy brothel – senior palace aide Richard Langley and Commander Michael Trestrail, the Queen’s lead bodyguard. [140][141] People with PMDD typically begin to experience symptoms in their early twenties, although many do not seek treatment until their early thirties. [416] Saul A Villeda, Kristopher E Plambeck, Jinte Middeldorp, Joseph M Castellano, Kira I Mosher, Jian Luo, Lucas K Smith, Gregor Bieri, Karin Lin, Daniela Berdnik, Rafael Wab, Joe Udeochu, Elizabeth G Wheatley, Bende Zou, Danielle A Simmons, Xinmin S Xie, Frank M Longo and Tony Wyss-Coray, “Young Blood Reverses Age-Related Impairments in Cognitive Function and Synaptic Plasticity in Mice,” Nature Medicine, https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/archivos_pdf/young-blood-reverses-age-related-impairments.pdf. [104] “VIP Pedophile Ring Operating out of Buckingham Palace and Balmoral Castle,” hangthebankers.com, December 8, 2014, https://hangthebankers.com/vip-pedophile-ring-operating-out-of-buckingham-palace-and-balmoral-castle/. 48-year old David Tracey was arrested, suspended and then fired from his job in November 2012, admitting he had downloaded an incredible 90,000 photos and videos off the internet. Former palace valet George Smith alleged that he’d been raped by a “trusted” aide to Prince Charles and witnessed another sexual “incident” between a royal family member and another palace employee. At least in part it also explains why so many royals are mentally and emotionally disturbed, erratic, and exercise gross lack of judgment. [372] That said, in December 2019 Queen Elizabeth dispelled rumors of her stepping down upon her 95th birthday in June 2021. [436] It has spearheaded the “green agenda” credo, hijacking the field of science, in recent years having turned it into nothing more or less than weaponized Orwellian junk science[437] [438]: The common enemy of humanity is man. As peas in a pod, Fawcett, Tallon and Tallon’s boyfriend Wilcock all got along swimmingly well but as predation mobsters they cruelly mistreated junior staff in the most abusive, rigidly dictatorial pecking order way. [21] Within these categories, a BPD diagnosis is strongly associated with a combination of three specific states: feeling betrayed, feeling out of control, and "feeling like hurting myself". [11] Paul Callan, “Prince Philip and the Nazis,” Express, February 20, 2008, https://www.express.co.uk/expressyourself/35562/Prince-Philip-and-the-Nazis. a family procession. Though in 1807 the British slave trade was legally abolished on paper, the covert illegal slave trade only continued operating around the globe and today is larger than any previous time in recorded history. [72] Short of advocating her hypothesis as gospel truth, it’s worth examining further to draw one’s own conclusions.[73]. [102] Apparently the argument in the taxi preceding the violence was over his wife accusing Goldsmith of leaving her for most of the night to use cocaine. Similarly, Prince Philip’s own mother was also institutionalized in Switzerland in 1930 for many years as a paranoid schizophrenic while Philip’s father ran off with a mistress to Monaco, leaving Philip as a young boy to be taken in by relatives, aside from his German sisters, his recently turned “English” Mountbatten uncles George and “Dickie”, the family nickname for Louis Mountbatten. [212] Richard Kay, https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3122130/How-Savile-seduced-royals-s-claimed-nearly-godfather-Harry-predatory-DJ-wormed-way-heart-Palace-life.html. [254] By 1996, the future Mrs. Rothschild was also busy introducing Epstein to the later accused sex abuser Alan Dershowitz, Epstein’s friend and lawyer that in a decade would lead the dream team alongside Kenneth Starr to his sweetheart deal. [18] “The Royal Family’s Toxic Time Bomb,” archive.sussex.ac.uk, June 25, 1999, https://archive.sussex.ac.uk/news/bulletin/bulletin/www.sussex.ac.uk/internal/bulletin/archive/25jun99/article1.html. In Noel Botham’s 2004 exposé The Murder of Princess Diana, he writes: Lord Mountbatten, known affectionately around the palace as the biggest queen in the royal family, had surrounded Charles with homosexuals during the period when he had been entrusted by Queen Elizabeth with her eldest son’s social upbringing. The company’s biggest investors include Jeffrey Epstein, Carbyne’s chairman, Epstein buddy, former Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak[329] (frequent flier on Epstein’s Lolita Express as well as guest at both sex slave island and NYC love mansion[330]) and Silicon billionaire and Facebook investor Peter Thiel[331] (owner of a service company supplying children’s blood to highflying customers for anti-aging benefits[332]). Clarke contacted his lawyer and the Mirror was wrongly pressured into an apology. Blood-drinking, flesh-eating, shape-shifting extraterrestrial reptilian humanoids with only one objective in their cold-blooded little heads: to enslave the human race. Of course what’s a pedo-scandal without the holier than thou clergy mucking it up with their raping of innocent children. [211] Robert Booth, “Jimmy Savile Invited Royal Guests to a Party on Prince Charles’ Behalf,” The Guardian, November 7, 2012, https://www.theguardian.com/media/2012/nov/07/jimmy-savile-party-prince-charles. [220] Dan Davies, “’Little Slaves,’ Sordid Beasts and the Dark Truth about my ‘Friend’ Jimmy Savile, by the Biographer who Tried to Unmask him,” Daily Mail, October 6, 2012, https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2213931/Jimmy-Savile-Little-slaves-sordid-boasts-dark-truth-friend–biographer-Dan-Davies.html. [4] Severe cases of the disorder may require hospital care. The examples that follow will either be prominent pedophiles who’ve enjoyed intimate, highly influential relationships with senior royal family members or are outed, known pedophiles who’ve been busted as royal staff employees or her important appointees representing the queen. Inspired by Robinson Crusoe, this joyful narrative by a Swiss pastor remains a classic Audio of chapter 34 (start at 56:16) His wife is sick and he says that she needs a “bleeding.” This was a mistaken medical idea of long ago. [90] “The Truth about the so called British ‘Royal Family’: They are all Jews!” http://www.inspiretochangeworld.com/2015/10/the-truth-about-the-so-called-british-royal-family-they-are-all-jews/. Vocational achievement was generally more limited, even compared to those with other personality disorders. [284] Keith Griffith, “Jeffrey Epstein’s Socialite ‘Madame’ ‘is being Hidden from the FBI in a Series of Safe Houses because of the Information she has on Powerful People,’” Daily Mail, January 1, 2020, https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7843659/Ghislaine-Maxwell-reportedly-foreign-spy-hiding-Israel.html. [202] “Police ‘Censored’ 2009 Interview with Jimmy Savile so it Removed all Reference to the Royal Family,” Daily Mail, October 20, 2013, https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2468836/Jimmy-Savile-Police-censored-2009-interview-removing-reference-Royal-Family.html. [303] Liv Stevens, “’Pupils had Competition to have Sex Everywhere’: Former Stowe Sixth Former Lifts Lid on Steamy Relationships at Prestigious School in Wake of ‘Morning after Pills’ Scandal Exposed by MoS,” Daily Mail, July 5, 2014, https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2681831/Pupils-competition-sex-Former-Stowe-sixth-former-lifts-lid-steamy-relationships-prestigious-school-wake-morning-pills-scandal-exposed-MoS.html. Next we turn to the long list of questionable, if not seedy pedophilic company that Prince Charles has has chosen to keep as a reflection of who this guy really is. [384] “David Icke – Revelations, Arizona Wilder,” 1998, YouTube video, 1:30:42,  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6XC3SQSR1o4. [39], Though BPD is primarily seen as a disorder of emotional regulation, psychotic symptoms are fairly common, with an estimated 21-54% prevalence in clinical BPD populations. Diana’s Jewish mother was unhappily married to a heavy drinking Earl Spencer and cheated on him with banker-publisher-Rothschild cousin Sir James Goldsmith, and out came Lady Di nine months later. But when it’s over and over and over ad nauseam, it points to something far more sinister and dark, leading even a most casual, objective observer to the conclusion that top royal family members must be bigtime pedophiles or involved in pedophilia trafficking. [374] The little ingrates are on their own. [225] Noel Botham, The Murder of Princess Diana (New York: Kensington Publishing Corporation, 2004), p. 53, https://www.amazon.com/Murder-Princess-Diana-Noel-Botham/dp/0786007001. [235] James Beal, Greg Woodfield and Dan Bates, “Royal Crisis Witness Claims He Saw Prince Andrew Kiss and Grope Virginia Roberts on Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘Paedo Island,’” The Sun, February 22, 2020, https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/11021300/witness-prince-andrew-grope-virginia-roberts-claim/. [277] Adam Lusher, “Prince Andrew Facing Questions over the Sale of his Mansion to Kazakh Oligarch,” Independent, May 23, 2016, https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/prince-andrew-facing-questions-over-the-sale-of-his-mansion-to-kazakh-oligarch-a7043101.html. Therefore, a presentation of an encapsulated summary of royal pedophilia will suffice. You mean it’s not your daddy’s killer crown virus going around causing lockdown fever? [459] Jonathan Manthorpe, “Commonwealth Countries Consider Life after Queen Elizabeth,” ipolitics.ca, April 18, 2018, https://ipolitics.ca/2018/04/18/commonwealth-countries-consider-life-after-queen-elizabeth/. [201] Holly Christdoulou, “Left to Rot Paedo Jimmy Savile’s Scottish Highlands Cottage where Cops Fear 20 People were Abused Lays Empty Three Years after it Sold for Double the Asking Price,” The Sun, November 22, 2017, https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/4971245/jimmy-savile-scottish-highland-cottage-empty-abuse/. They cut patients to drain out the “bad blood” that was making them sick. Do you understand? [143], Long-term psychotherapy is currently the treatment of choice for BPD. But in the 1970s and 1980s when so much of the abuse was raging out of control, Bailhache was Governor of Haut de la Garenne. [371] Rosa Sanchez, “Queen Elizabeth Falls Ill after Prince Harry and Meghan’s Dramatic Royal Exit,” radaronline.com, January 23, 2020, https://radaronline.com/videos/queen-elizabeth-sick-after-prince-harry-meghan-royal-exit/. These two key posts are currently held by brothers, Sir Philip and William Bailhache, members of one of the oldest and most powerful families on Jersey.Â, These two Queen Elizabeth appointed brothers have been key island gatekeepers, seemingly forever willfully obstructing justice. Chapter 9: Military-CIA Mind Control, Torture, Pedophilia and Satanic Sacrifice Joachim Hagopian Full Text Free Online Below the Fold Scratch the surface history of US military intelligence and CIA covert operations to their so called black projects and pedophilia rears its ugly head at every turn. [218] The film Single White Female (1992), like the first example, also suggests characteristics, some of which are actually atypical of the disorder: the character Hedy had markedly disturbed sense of identity and reacts drastically to abandonment. Chapter 5 Summary: “A New Home” The Robinsons decide to move inland, away from the heat of the open beach. [68] Patients with BPD have been found to be significantly more likely to report having been verbally, emotionally, physically, or sexually abused by caregivers of either sex. Meanwhile, Hitler was emerging as the power in Europe and sent the Duke of Coburg off as president of the Anglo-German Fellowship to recruit his British royal relatives sympathetic to the Nazi cause. [234] Lee Brown, “Former Royal Cop Challenges Prince Andrew’s Alibi in Virginia Roberts Giuffre Sex Scandal,” New York Post, February 23, 2020, https://nypost.com/2020/02/23/former-royal-cop-challenges-prince-andrews-alibi-in-alleged-virginia-roberts-giuffre-rape/. After WWI, cousin King George V stripped him of his British titles, including his Order of Garter, unjustly branding him a traitor. The role of 'scientific psychiatry' in understanding patients with chronic schizophrenia or severe personality disorder", "The beginning of wisdom is never calling a patient a borderline; or, the clinical management of immature defenses in the treatment of individuals with personality disorders", 10.1002/(SICI)1098-240X(199908)22:4<285::AID-NUR3>3.0.CO;2-R, "Borderline Personality Disorder Label Creates Stigma", "How Advocacy is Bringing Borderline Personality Disorder Into the Light", "Early Sea Changes in Borderline Personality Disorder", "Kristen Wiig earns awkward laughs and silence in 'Welcome to Me, "Toronto Film Review: 'Welcome to Me': Kristen Wiig plays a woman with borderline personality disorder in this startlingly inspired comedy from Shira Piven", "Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is the best depiction of mental health on television today", "Netflix's 'Maniac' Is A Trippy Ride With A Lot To Say About Mental Illness", "A Therapist Explains Why Everyone on 'Game of Thrones' Has Serious Issues: Westeros is Basically A Living, Breathing Manual for Mental Illness", "BPD Awareness Month – Congressional History", "What is the'Borderline Personality Disorder' that Sunmi confessed? What are they so afraid of? [84] In addition, the DSM-5 proposes alternative diagnostic criteria for BPD in section III, "Alternative DSM-5 Model for Personality Disorders". Fergie and her two daughters Eugenie and Beatrice have all supported the Cantor Fitzgerald Relief Fund that provides money in crisis zones around the world. [192] Richard Kay, https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3122130/How-Savile-seduced-royals-s-claimed-nearly-godfather-Harry-predatory-DJ-wormed-way-heart-Palace-life.html. [173] Harriet Sherwood, https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2018/jul/27/prince-charles-rued-monstrous-wrongs-against-bishop-later-convicted-of-abuse. The “Jim’ll Fix It” persona made Jimmy the royal fixer in Charles’ life for many years, because as Savile boasted, he earned the reputation for “getting things done” in “deep cover” service to the realm. [4][6] It occurs about five times more often in a person who has an affected close relative. [81] “Prince William Taking Two Huge Steps to Become the ‘Masonic Christ,’” cuttingedge.org, 2008, https://www.cuttingedge.org/news/n2308.cfm. [314] Spacey’s work in London theater and embracing the global pedo network with rides on Epstein’s Lolita Express and raping young boys (15 accusers as of early November 2017[315]) no doubt made him the apple of the royals’ radar roving eye for attracting pedophiles as best friends. His name uniquely comes up invariably in virtually every chapter of this book, and, as a result, Savile is a huge reason why the United Kingdom’s the world’s pedophilia epicenter, amply demonstrated from Chapters 19 through 32. What he truly thinks of humanity was next revealed both in a 1984 book and again reiterated in 1988: In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation.[422]. Read Swiss Family Robinson novel Chapter 49: I did not disembark on this unknown shore without great emotion: it might b_nhabited by a barbarous and cruel race, and I almost doubted the prudence o_hus risking my three...Read Swiss Family Robinson full novel online on Bravonovel. Even after an Independent Jersey Care Inquiry, only 5% of the pedophiles have been named with a meager handful convicted while scores of child rapists have gotten away with their rampant crimes. [213], Alternative suggestions for names include emotional regulation disorder or emotional dysregulation disorder. [250] Whitney Webb, https://www.mintpressnews.com/scrubbed-reports-reveal-new-secrets-of-the-prince-andrew-jeffrey-epstein-relationship/262330/. [28] But more on the fallen, shameful Duke of York’s criminal shenanigans later in this chapter. [2] David Icke, “The Windsor-Bush Bloodline,” bibliotecapleyades.net, https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/merovingians/merovingios_02.htm. [116] His brother William was queen appointed Jersey Attorney General from 2000 to 2009 while the police investigation of the children’s home was sabotaged and eventually aborted.

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